In English
Brf Silverdals kulle
Here you can read about how our board is composed and how to get in touch with them. You will also find information about annual meetings and annual reports.
Fault/error reporting
Here you will find all the information you need to report an error.
Keys & Entrance System
Here you will find information on how to order keys and how our passage system works.
Move in / Move out
There is a lot to keep in mind when you move in.
Most of our news are in Swedish only. Some of our newsletter are translated to english.
You will also find some news in english under Aktuellt.
Brf Silverdals kulle has access to garage and outdoor parking.
Rules for well-being
In order for us all to thrive as well as possible, we have compiled rules for how we can take each other into account.
To sublet your home, you need the board’s permission.
Transfers & Pledge
The application for transfer and mortgage deed must be sent directly to our financial manager.
TV, telephony & internet
Brf Silverdals kulle has a group connection agreement with Telenor regarding TV, telephony and broadband. Broadband speed 100/100.
Waste disposal
All four ground vessels in the courtyard are for residual waste (household waste).
For other source sorting, we refer to the nearest environmental station at Silverdal Chapel.